
I should to give credit where it is due. This site uses the Gentium, Patua One, Inconsolata, and Pompiere typefaces hosted by the free Google WebFonts service.

I wrote the most of the css for this site myself, but used this “normalize.css” and this guy’s css file for syntax highlighting. The rest was heavily inspired by Emmanuel Beffara’s website and bears an obvious resemblance. I took colors from the solarized palette by Ethan Schoonover.

This website is hosted by the awesome github pages project, which was interesting enough to convert me from using org-mode and emacs to generate the html pages to using newfangled things like markdown, yaml, and jekyll. If you’re interested, you can view the source for this website on github. Feel free to copy and adapt anything you like.

I made all of the figures and plots on this site (and in my papers) using the wonderful tioga library. Not only is it the best plotting program I’ve ever used, but it’s named after Tioga pass in California. It would be unthinkable not to use it.

© 2016 Michael McCourt

last modified: 2015-02-08 00:35:04 (mkmccjr)

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